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2018-04-13 15:01来源:山东自考网

1. National currencies always have a(n) ______ over private currencies.
A. interest                                                   B. advantage
C. output                                                    D. production
2. When a designer produces a new dress,he should always  ______ in mind his customer’s needs.
A. carry                                                      B. take
C. put                                                         D. bear
3. If the world population is increasing continuously,food supplies will not be  ______ to feed  them.
A. sufficient                                                B. efficient
C. equal                                                      D. effective
4. They refused to sell their products at the low  ______ offered.
A. price                                                      B. prize
C. expense                                                  D. cost
5. “You should be  ______,”he said to the judge. “It’s not their fault.”
A. fair                                                        B. unforgiving
C. rude                                                       D. unkind
6. They all agreed that the first problem the new government would have to deal with was unemployment. In this sentence,“deal with” can be replaced by  ______.
A. do                                                         B. grasp
C. cope                                                       D. tackle
7. Although I spoke to him many times,he never pays  ______ to what I said.
A. notice                                                    B. remark
C. warning                                                  D. attention
8. We try to buy these goods at the lowest price  ______.
A. possible                                                  B. possibly
C. possibility                                               D. probably
9. Our company is  ______ to that one in management.
A. better                                                     B. superior
C. excellent                                                 D. good
10. If banks  ______ higher interest on loans to builders,how will that affect the cost of a new home?
A. ask                                                        B. charge
C. demand                                                  D. beg
11. The government gave several good  ______ for increasing the tax on cars.
A. purposes                                                 B. reasons
C. questions                                                D. problems
12. We’ll have to find a new  ______ of income.
A. source                                                    B. means
C. way                                                       D. method
13. The workers’ claim for a 10-percent pay rise has been under  ______ of the government.
A. idea                                                       B. agreement
C. consideration                                          D. opinions
14. The company decided to  ______ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A. destroy                                                   B. resist
C. deny                                                      D. cancel
15. On the  ______ of our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year.
A. basis                                                      B. base
C. case                                                       D. reason
16. I didn’t mean  ______ anything but these apples looked so nice that I wouldn’t resist trying one.
A. to eat                                                     B. eating
C. eat                                                         D. having eating
17. It was not until she had arrived home  ______ she remembered her appointment with the doctor.
A. when                                                     B. that
C. and                                                        D. so
18. He has  ______ heavy a work load that it is difficult for him to find time to travel around.
A. such                                                       B. too
C. so                                                          D. much
19. Since she has very high blood pressure,her doctor recommends that she  ______.
A. not drink                                                B. will not drink
C. does not drink                                         D. not to drink
20. I didn’t pass the mid-term examination. What bad luck! But from now on,I will never forget  ______ my homework.
A. to do                                                      B. do
C. done                                                      D. doing
21. The lawyer questioned the witness about  ______.
A. what knew he                                         B. what did he know
C. he knew                                                 D. what he knew
22. By 2003 my hometown had become  ______ industrial city in the province.
A. one of the three largest                            B. a third largest
C. the third largest                                       D. the three largest
23. The concept  ______ to describe the way nations behave,but it is equally applicable to individuals.
A. is most often used                                   B. most often use
C. is often most used                                    D. is most used often
24. Japanese scientists do not know for sure  ______ Mount Fuji will erupt again.
A. where                                                    B. that
C. when                                                      D. which
25. It’s not good laughing  ______ other people’s shortcomings.
A. with                                                       B. on
C. about                                                     D. at
26. An object is said  ______ if its temperature is much higher than that of our bodies.
A. to be hot                                                B. as being hot
C. hot                                                         D. as hot
27. After that quarrel,Sam didn’t talk to Paul  ______.
A. any more                                                B. no more
C. much longer                                           D. no longer
28. It allows advertisers to combine sight,sound and motion,thus  ______ to almost all the viewers’senses.
A. appeal                                                    B. and appeals
C. appealing                                                D. appeals
29. If it  ______ tomorrow,we’ll have to stay indoors.
A. would rain                                              B. will rain
C. rained                                                    D. rains
30. He  ______ the Chinese Volunteers Army in 1951.
A. joined                                                    B. had joined
C. has joined                                               D. has been joined

My father waved me goodbye and the bus set off. The person sitting   41   to me was a government engineer going to Peshwar   42   inspect the roads. He said that traveling by bus was an excellent way to test the roads.
   We passed many villages   43   the way and stopped once or   44   to buy cold drinks,
  45   it was very hot and dusty. The countryside was brown and dry and there were long stretches with no people   46   villages in sight. We   47   to stop once at some road works,
   48   made my traveling companion very happy.
    Most of us were dozing   49   the afternoon heat when we were woken by a sudden noise,which   50   like a shot from a gun. As the bus swerved and then stopped at the side of the road, I remembered all the stories I had heard about herd of robbers who used to attack travelers on deserted roads like this. Many of the other passengers looked as bewildered and frightened as I   51   have looked
    My neighbor, however, reassured me, “Nothing to worry   52  . Only a burst tyre”. We didn’t leave   53   he changed the wheel.
    My cousin Anwar met me at the bus station. “Well, there you   54  ,” he said.  “I was beginning to   55   what had happened to you.”
41.A. next                     B. beside                    C. besides                   D. near
42.A. to                        B. for                         C. at                          D. about to
43.A. by                        B. on                         C. in                          D. all
44.A. two times             B. twice                     C. many times             D. thrice
45.A. though                 B. while                     C. as                          D. when
46.A. and                      B. or                          C. but                        D. except
47.A. had                      B. have                      C. were                      D. had had
48.A. which                   B. that                        C. it                           D. this
49.A. below                   B. by                         C. under                     D. in
50.A. noised                  B. sounded                 C. was made               D. came
51.A. might                   B. ought to                 C. must                      D. may
52.A. for                       B. on                         C. with                       D. about
53.A. as                        B. until                      C. while                     D. when
54.A. have come            B. come                     C. aren’t                     D. are
55.A. suspect                 B. decide                    C. conclude                D. wonder
                                                                  Passage 1
    Some kind of planning is important. For one thing it shows whether you really have enough to say on the topic while there is still time to change to another topic. It is also important because it stimulates your ideas and helps to fix them in your mind. Without some notes helping you,you may find that you begin writing with several ideas in your head but you forget some of them as you are writing.
    When you have chosen your topic,and perhaps have a general idea of your theme,make quick short notes of all the ideas that come into your head. As you do this you will find that new ideas will come to you, for one idea leads to another.
It’s for you to decide how detailed your plan should be. If you are good at writing, and have had plenty of practice,probably only a few brief notes will be necessary. Remember that even the  best writers need to make some notes if they are going to produce a well-organized piece of writing.
    With your plan in front of you,you should be able to write your composition. There should be no need to write a rough version first,then correct it and make a final copy. This is a waste of time.
56. This article is most probably taken from  ______.
 A. a textbook                                            B. a newspaper 
C. a book review                                        D. a case report
57. According to the passage,______  is(are)very important before you start writing a composition.
A. planning                                                B. a topic 
C. an idea                                                  D. notes
58. It is implied in the passage that making notes can bring you some new ideas because _____.
A. you have enough time to think about them
B.  ideas have interrelationship between themselves
C. you can rearrange your ideas on your own
D. ideas can come to you more quickly
59. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. The more detailed notes you make,the better your plan will be.
B. Everyone should make a few brief notes.
C. Making notes is helpful for a well-organized piece of writing.
D. Making notes is more important for the arrangement of your ideas.
60. According to the passage,making a draft is ______.
A. always necessary                                     B. a waste of time
C. helpful to correct mistakes                        D. up to you
Passage 2
    One of the most difficult questions to answer is how much a job is worth. We naturally expect that a doctor’s salary will be higher than a bus conductor’s wages. But the question becomes much more difficult to answer when we compare,say,a miner with an engineer,or an unskilled man working on an oil-rig(钻油机)in the North Sea with a teacher in a secondary school. What the doctor,the engineer and the teacher have in common is that they have devoted several years of their lives to studying in order to obtain the necessary qualifications for their professions. We feel instinctively(本能地)that these skills and these years,when they were studying instead of earning money,should be rewarded. At the same time we recognize that the work of the miner and the oil-rig laborer is both hard and dangerous,and that they must be highly paid for the risks they take.
    Another factor we must take into consideration is how socially useful a man’s work is,regardless of the talents he may bring to it. Most people would agree that looking after the sick or teaching children is more important than,say selling second-hand cars or improving the taste of toothpaste. Yet it is almost certain that the used-car salesman earns more than the nurse and the research chemist earns more than the school teacher.
    Indeed,this whole question of just rewards can be turned on its head. You can argue that a man who does a job which brings him personal satisfaction is already receiving part of his reward in the form of a so-called “psychic wage”,and that it is the man with the boring,repetitive job who needs more money to make up for the soul-destroying monotony(单调)of his work.
61. The professional man,such as the doctor,should be well-paid because ______.
A. he has spent several years learning how to do his job
B. his work involves much greater intelligence than, say, a bus conductor’s
C. he has to work much harder than most other people
D. he knows more than other people about his subject
62. It is difficult to compare a doctor and a miner because ______.
A. a miner’s work is not as useful as a doctor’s
B. each is a specialist in his own field
C. a miner has to learn just as many skills to be able to do his job well
D. a miner’s job is less skilled but on the other hand it is more dangerous
63. You can compare an engineer with a teacher because ______.
A. they both do useful work
B. they both earn the same kind of salary
C. one does socially important work and the other does dangerous work
D. they have both spent several years in training
64. As far as rewarding people for their work is concerned,the writer thinks that ______.
A. people doing manual work should be double paid
B. we should pay people according to their talents
C. we should pay for socially-useful work,regardless of the person’s talent
D. qualified people should be the highest paid
65. We learn from the passage that a man who does a boring,repetitive job ______.
A. receives less money than he deserves
B. should receive more money as a compensation for the drudgery of his work
C. can only expect more money if his job is a highly-skilled one
D. has no interest in his work apart from the money he receives for doing it
() 将下列词语译成中文 5分)
66. inferior products
67. places of historical interest
68. tariff barriers
69. hypothetical economy
70. interpersonal relations
(二)将下列词语译成英文 5分)
六、英汉句子互译 (本大题共4小题,共15分)
76. The time lag alone will assure a large and growing pool of savings. (4分)
77. If the most necessary things are taxed, a lot of money is collected, but the poor people suffer the most. (4分)
(二)将下列句子译成英文 7分)

